Congregational Goals 2016-2017

Posted by: on Nov 3, 2016 | No Comments

The Vestry of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is keenly aware that our responsibilities include nourishing the spiritual and fiscal health of our congregation, supporting our priest, and safeguarding our beautiful church structure.

Below are outlined specific goals developed by the Vestry with input from the congregation.  These goals reflect the ongoing work of our parish as we grow and thrive together.  We hope that the members and friends of our congregation find meaningful ways to participate in the realization of these goals.


GOAL Our vision for adult learning is to make religion a part of healthy life.  Specifically

To focus on children and their spiritual growth and needs.

To continue our interfaith studies.

To frame our spiritual education series in ways that will have broad appeal and to advertise thus encouraging community participation

LEADERS Program Leaders – Mary & David working with a spiritual education committee

Liaison – Donna working with parish for meal coordination for the evening series.

TIMELINE Fall series will center on the scientific-based research explained in a book entitled The Spiritual Child

Winter series will include films focusing on children’s lives in America

Lenten contemplative series will explore prayer and meditation in other faiths and cultures

EVALUATIVE PROCESS Education Committee will request congregational input on subjects and regarding the effectiveness of the education programs.  In addition, we will seek reflection from participants throughout the presentations of the programs.
CONGREGATIONAL PARTICIPATION We will present these offerings at the Ministry Fair to be held in the fall and update the church calendar on our website.


GOAL To develop a schedule for ongoing meetings with our youth, their parents, and David in order to help them explore their spiritual goals.

“Dinner with David” topics could include: confirmation classes, retreats, and the everyday challenges that our youth face.

Sharing a preview of the lessons as preparation for the Sunday service

To explore the formation of a support group for parents

LEADERS Meriweather and Kyra with David
TIMELINE Youth Group meetings will be scheduled to support our youth.


Checking in with youth and their families regarding what is working and how we need to continue.


It is the work of the whole congregation to support our youth spiritually as they progress toward adulthood.  We will be asked to participate with them in various ways, including attending their presentations and mentoring them.


GOAL To provide a fun and faithful atmosphere where our childrenages 4 to 8 can explore the ways that God is at work in their lives.

Volunteer teachers assigned to the seven Sunday School units by early September

David to meet with the teachers in advance of each series to clarify the theology

As new books are introduced, make sure they fit the theme (David will approve)

LEADERS Liaisons to oversee program as well as Sunday School and nursery spaces:  Donna & Paulette.

Establishing curriculum and preparing materials, and setting the calendar:  Mary & Gloria.

TIMELINE Teachers will be assigned to units in time for the September Ministry Fair, when we announce the Sunday School schedule for the year.
EVALUATION We will check in with teachers and children periodically to see how things are going.
CONGREGATIONAL PARTICIPATION We will plan for several events during the year to celebrate our children and their wonderful teachers.


GOAL Continue to meet the needs of the parish and make sure the congregation is aware that we are there to give aid and/or assistance when  needed .
LEADERS Gloria, David and the Vestry
TIMELINE  As needs arise we will address them.
EVALUATION Congregation to communicate needs and how we can improve caring for one another.
CONGREGATIONAL PARTICIPATION Urge parish members to help when called upon, and also to call David or one of the leaders if someone is known to be in need of assistance.


GOAL The goal of the Worship Committee is to enhance in all possible ways the worship of St. Andrew’s, including:

choral and instrumental music

co-ordination with youth and adult education programs

facilitating/coordinating the ministry of our servers, lectors, acolytes, lay ministers, choir members, musicians, altar guild, greeters and ushers

LEADER David is the leader of this group.  Mary will facilitate this effort on behalf of the Vestry.
EMPHASIS To find ways administratively, financially, and spiritually to support our burgeoning music program.  This includes support for our organ and organist, the adult choir, the children’s choir, and the potential for a youth choir for ages 9 to 14.
EVALUATIVE PROCESS The Congregation will be asked to reflect on the ways we worship and to provide feedback when changes are brought into our practice.  In addition, we will keep accurate attendance data as an indicator of the effectiveness of St Andrews programs.
CONGREGATIONAL PARTICIPATION Encourage feedback from parishioners as we evaluate our traditions and new approaches to music, liturgy, & youth programs


GOAL St Andrews is committed to a more active presence in our community

The calendar for the 2016-2017 church year activities will be updated with input from all Vestry Committees and posted on our website.

The Outreach Committee’s goal is two-fold.

To coordinate and support the variety of services we provide those in need, for example assisting with Loaves & Fishes and Meals-on-Wheels.

To widen our circle in the community.  To work with L’Esprit to determine avenues for charitable giving, (an example to include a Christmas gift list.)

LEADERS Quentin will be the liaison to facilitate assessment of community needs.
TIMELINE Year-round service programs are a demonstration of our “faith in action”.


St Andrew’s Community Outreach Committee will report both to the Vestry as information is gathered and relationships are formed.


As needs are identified in the community, we will encourage our congregation to consider providing support for programs such as:

Intro to our Episcopal Church / New Comers par

Circulate bulletin and keep website current on youth group activities

Seek needed support in terms of a “tech person”


GOAL The Finance Committee’s responsibilities include assessment and review of finances.


To establish an annual budget in advance of the stewardship pledge drive.

To identify revenue streams for annual operations as well as long term planning

To maintain communication with FRIENDS OF SAINT ANDREWS 501(c)3.

To plan for a fiscally viable St Andrews / St Johns affiliation in July 2017.

LEADERS Treasurer: Don Gimbel
TIMELINE Will report to the Vestry on a monthly and year-to-date basis.


Monitoring financial reports to determine whether revenue and expenditures are within the guidelines of the annual narrative budget.


The congregation’s participation is critical during the Stewardship Campaign.  The goal is to maintain communication between the Finance Committee and the parish on financial matters, accounting of pledges (quarterly,) and legacy programs.


GOAL St. ANDREWS 20/20 goal is to see that our parish continues to grow and thrive and that we fulfill our mission in the years to come.  The work plan will be:

To guide, monitor, and support the discernment process

To establish a Search Committee and work collaboratively with the Bishop as the discernment process unfolds.

To gain clarity on who we are (as a parish) and to develop a profile of the candidate that would best fit our two-parish affiliation.

LEADERS Senior Warden (Karen) will be the liaison.  The Search Committee will have its own Chairperson, Chaplain, Secretary & Treasurer.
TIMELINE We will carefully guide Saint Andrew’s through this year of continued growth and transition.


The vestry will support the Search Committee as they develop discernment materials that define our own identity and identify the qualities that are most important for us in our new priest.


The work is about hiring a priest and keeping the Vestry apprised of that process.  The congregation’s participation will be down the road when we are at the stage of interviewing prospective candidates.