Meditative Retreat
Note: The full texts referred to are included below the commentary and photos from the event.
We affirmed to set aside the day, to put down our daily striving, and to remember.
The framework for our Meditative Retreat was contained in readings that Father David shared from poet laureate Mary Oliver, and from Isaiah 58, and Luke 12 (consider the lilies?).
Mary Oliver in her poem The Summer Day talks about what a prayer is. The folks who gathered at the Pine Creek Campground followed her mantra. By that I mean we learned a measure of what it was to pay attention, to kneel in the grass, to be idle and blessed and to stroll through the fields.?
It was a fun day that very intentionally used our experience outdoors in nature to bring about a state of prayer and make us attentive to our relation to creation. Our walking meditation on the trail and conversations around the campfire helped us to answer Oliver’s question: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Karen Searle

Ministry Fair
The Ministry Fair was an enthusiastic event with a number of folks in the parish expressing an interest in becoming a part of meeting Saint Andrew’s four main goals through participation in the Care, Youth and Families, Education and Outreach committees.
Please consider saving Thursdays throughout Fall, Winter and Spring, as we prepare a detailed calendar of the offerings and activities of these committees. We plan to make “Thursdays at Saint Andrew’s” enriching for our congregation and our broader community. Check back here for more information in the weeks to come.

Meditative Retreat: September 10 at Pine Creek
Our Meditative Retreat is scheduled for Saturday, September 10th at the Pine Creek Campground Group Pavilion. The retreat will begin after breakfast and continue through a shared dinner.
Folks who want to hike, plan on arriving at 9 AM at the Pine Creek Group Pavilion (you can’t miss it, and there is parking adjacent) up at the Pine Creek campground. If you want to attend for lunch and the afternoon, plan on arriving around 11:30AM.
Reverend Gunderson described the event at the September 4th Sunday Service:
Please contact the parish office at 222-0222 for more information or to add your name to the attendees so we can plan food.
Pine Creek Campground is in the Paradise Valley. Travel 9 miles south of Livingston on US Highway 89, then 2.5 miles east on Pine Creek Road, south 0.75 mile on East River Road, then east 2.5 miles on Luccock Park Road this is a paved single lane road with turnouts.
You can also arrive at Pine Creek Road by taking East River Road off of Highway 89. Just turn left onto East River Road at Carter’s Bridge and take East River Road past Pine Creek Lodge and look for the Luccock sign on your left.