St. Andrew’s Children’s Choir 2015
The Children’s choir sang on Sunday, December 20th for the congregation at the beginning of the service and. They will be singing on Christmas Eve for the Family Service and Christmas Pageant.
St. Andrew’s will have two services on Christmas Eve. The first is a family service with a Christmas Pageant for all children in attendance beginning at 3p.m. Choral Midnight Eucharist of Christmas Eve begins at 10:30p.m.
Sunday School Unit 2, November 3rd-24th, Blessings
Our second Sunday School unit will again focus on St. Francis, this time learning about and celebrating his understanding of how blessed we All are by God.
In this season of plenty and thanksgiving our children will work with the understandings and questions below. We look forward to having them with us.
On November 3, the children will first come with their families to the sanctuary and then, following a story from David, begin their Sunday School lessons.
We are all blessed by God.
There is more to learn from Saint Francis
November 3, 10, 17, 24
There are many ways in which each of us is blessed by God.
Blessings take many forms.
I can be a part of blessing another person.
I can be deliberately thankful for my blessings.
How did Saint Francis’s understanding of being blessed change from when he was a young man to his older years?
How was Saint Francis poor? How was Saint Francis rich? -
How did Saint Francis bestow blessings on others?
How am I blessed? What does that mean to me?
What can I do to help others feel blessed? How can I be a blessing to this world?